Archive for February, 2017

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Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

For many individuals getting older also means doing less and getting weaker. This increases the risk for a fall. Falls usually occur when there is a loss of balance and the individual is unable to correct or catch themselves. The primary reasons for a loss of balance are muscle weakness, and poor motor unit recruitment […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

Throughout the body there are varying needs for stability and mobility. Abrupt mobility in areas that should be stable during physical activity can cause injury. It is important to first educate yourself on what areas should have stability or mobility during functional movements in order to optimize performance and prevent injury. In areas that should […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

Everyone should test their self-motivation and toughness by completely being on your own for a period of time to see if you have the mental fortitude to push yourself. It is one thing to have a support system in place that guides you, but it takes a whole different type of strength to be able […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

I am just “getting back into it” This is probably one of the most common things I hear people say, and it is the motto for many individuals that never reach their potential. When it comes to nutrition and fitness you must be on task the vast majority of the time or else you will […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

At least once per day I hear the phrase “It’s tough getting old.” It is important to understand the principles of Wolf’s Law that states that our body adapts based upon the demands placed on it. Simply put if we do less and less day by day year by year we will decline as a […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

For many individuals the apocalypse is happening right now, just not the one you are thinking of. Instead of fire and brimstone raining down upon the Earth, it is the mass destruction of the inhabitants of our bodies. By inhabitants I mean the trillions of microbial species we share our body with, most of which […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

Working in the health and fitness industry has sparked many interesting comments from people over the years. One conversation that I have had over and over again is about that one person everyone seems to know who has had a long life even though they lived a less than healthy lifestyle. They go on and […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

Let’s be honest, life is rough on the body. However you have the power to fight back and keep your body as strong and healthy as possible with a little hard work. If you choose not to fight getting old then most likely you will get a back injury at some point. Close to 80 […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

In order to not fall into the Weight Yo-Yo Dilemma, here are the basic rules you should follow… 1- Always train to improve strength and build muscle. 2- Always eat at least one gram of protein for every pound of lean mass you would like to weigh. During periods of calorie restriction this becomes especially […]

Posted on: February 18th, 2017 by Anthony

There are plenty of individuals entering into their middle aged years wondering why their physique has turned into a jello-like consistency. I have realized through the years that many individuals fall into a pattern that slowly but surely replace their lean mass with fat. Let’s be honest, the vast majority of people are not on […]

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"Anthony Campo is the best trainer I have ever worked with, and I've worked with 4 others.

Anthony has an excellent mix of toughness, understanding, and professionalism along with being outstandingly personable. His level of knowledge is exceptional, as well as his ability to adapt that knowledge to each individual. Anthony also has a great sense of humor, which is invaluable in a situation where you are..."