Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

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Posted on: November 7th, 2015 by Anthony

Most of my blogs give insight on how to make sustained progress for the long run. I am dedicating this blog to some quick things you can literally do right this second to improve your health. Try it and maybe you can see how easy it is to incorporate more healthy choices into your daily […]

Posted on: July 7th, 2015 by Anthony

If you are interested in the fitness and nutrition industry you can’t help but notice plenty of fads and trends that have come and gone throughout the years. Now just what constitutes something as a “fad?” Webster’s Dictionary defines a fad as something (such as an interest or fashion) that is very popular for a […]

Posted on: July 7th, 2015 by Anthony

Complexes are a great way to improve conditioning, build muscle, lose fat and practice form on some of the best exercises. I have created a master complex that has built in progressions in which you are able to auto-regulate each session. It also will allow you to train various loads and intensities in order to […]

Posted on: July 7th, 2015 by Anthony

One thing that I have learned over years of training is that no matter the situation, you should always do something. Are you injured? – Do Something Are you sick? – Do Something Are you busy and have no time? – Do Something Is the weather bad? – Do Something Do you have other responsibilities […]

Posted on: July 7th, 2015 by Anthony

The purpose of many fitness articles is to help individuals improve themselves in the best way possible. The majority of my writing is centered on many of the same fundamental principles of exercise and nutritional science. These fundamentals are what will yield that greatest amount of success therefore the greatest amount of time should be […]

Posted on: March 27th, 2015 by Anthony

Backstory I believe this is an issue that has affected many older men, and if nothing is done will affect more and more individuals at increasingly younger ages. I would first like to preface this by saying that I am not a medical doctor, but have experience working with individuals of all levels of the […]

Posted on: March 12th, 2015 by Anthony

One thing I have come to learn working in the training business is that people love to talk about training. Many individuals will spend week after week, month after month talking about coming to the gym. I encounter many people that will ask pretty involved questions in regards to coming to the gym and training. […]

Posted on: March 12th, 2015 by Anthony

Training is very complex, yet if broken down right can be very simple. The science that goes into optimizing all of the different things that go into truly causing your body to adapt can be overwhelming. With this being said it stands to reason that you if you are not willing to dedicate your time […]

Posted on: March 12th, 2015 by Anthony

The most frequent injuries treated in physical therapy are rotator cuff tears and tendonitis. Outside of therapy, shoulder injuries are even more prevalent and can really hamper success in the gym. The majority of injuries stem from improper mechanics used repetitively over time. Improper mechanics over time lead to pain and dysfunction, and if it […]

Posted on: March 12th, 2015 by Anthony

Every day I usually hear the word exercise used in different ways to describe a multitude of activities. The activities I hear range from someone announcing their job entails enough labor to be considered “good exercise”, to an individual participating in the latest group exercise fad at their local gym. In a sense I suppose […]

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"I have been training with Anthony Campo since July of 2009. I have been in both private and small group training sessions under Anthony. The routines change regularly as to address specific needs and goals. Anthony has a real talent for listening to his clients, giving encouragement and pushing us to achieve new levels of results. He has given us recipes, health and dietary tips that enhance and promote progress he is helping me to achieve. I could..."