Backstory I believe this is an issue that has affected many older men, and if nothing is done will affect more and more individuals at increasingly younger ages. I would first like to preface this by saying that I am not a medical doctor, but have experience working with individuals of all levels of the […]
Archive for March, 2015

When it comes to improving body chemistry as it pertains to blood sugar and insulin, Training and Exercise is king. The secret to indulging on foods that do not regulate blood sugar well is simple, work hard first. The quickest way to immediately improve your insulin sensitivity is to train at a high intensity that […]

Fact 1 Glucose and Carbohydrates are different things – Many healthcare professionals simply do not understand the difference between the Macro-nutrient: Carbohydrates, and the body’s form of energy storage: Glucose. The body needs glucose to survive, NOT carbohydrates. The body derives glucose from any food you eat. Anybody trying to improve their blood sugar and […]

With type II diabetes at an all-time high, and numbers expected to increase to 66 percent of the U.S. population suffering from the disease by the year 2040, it is pivotal that we better understand just what is necessary to make improvements with this growing epidemic. The problem is not only that the average American […]

Any individual looking to succeed in training needs to constantly evaluate their training program, and evolve it based on their needs. With all of the complexities that go into training, one fact always holds true. You should be doing AT LEAST one thing per training session that pushes your limits. Take a look back on […]

One thing I have come to learn working in the training business is that people love to talk about training. Many individuals will spend week after week, month after month talking about coming to the gym. I encounter many people that will ask pretty involved questions in regards to coming to the gym and training. […]

Training is very complex, yet if broken down right can be very simple. The science that goes into optimizing all of the different things that go into truly causing your body to adapt can be overwhelming. With this being said it stands to reason that you if you are not willing to dedicate your time […]

1.) Drink more water – It boggles my mind every time I hear new research studies outlining just how common it is for many individuals to drink very little or even no water per day. Everybody is constantly trying to find ways to look and feel better. For many people just taking a few seconds […]

The most frequent injuries treated in physical therapy are rotator cuff tears and tendonitis. Outside of therapy, shoulder injuries are even more prevalent and can really hamper success in the gym. The majority of injuries stem from improper mechanics used repetitively over time. Improper mechanics over time lead to pain and dysfunction, and if it […]

Understanding this sliding scale can also be a very valuable tool when trying to maintain a healthy body weight. So let’s say you have dieted for 3 months and have successfully lost around 15 lbs. It would be in your best interest to maintain this weight for a while in order to reset your homeostatic […]
"Before I began working with Anthony I weighed 265 pounds. I couldn't do any basic exercises, and was unable to even bench the bar. Within the first 7 months I lost 40 pounds, and since then another 20 more. In addition to that I've quadrupled my strength! I can do pull-ips and push-ups with ease and am lifting more weight than i ever imagined. I'm stronger and leaner than ever before and have a lot more confidence in myself. Anthony's infinite knowledge..."