Archive for September, 2013

Posted on: September 13th, 2013 by Anthony

1.) Squat-to-stands 2.) Scapular wall slides 3.) Warrior lunge isometric hold 4.) Glute-ham raises 5.) Scapular pushups Full descriptions and modifications of these exercises are available in the book, Do This, Eat That, coming out soon!

Posted on: September 13th, 2013 by Anthony

There is a misconception regarding the term “sport specific” in many gyms around the country today. Much debate exists on which exercises and training methods should be used to train athletes of varying sports. I am going to make this short and sweet. Unless your sport is lifting, there is nothing you can do in […]

Posted on: September 11th, 2013 by Anthony

Posted on: September 5th, 2013 by Anthony

There are many great training programs, including my 12 Week Maximal Strength and Hypertrophy program available for purchase on the product page or by contacting me. However, every so often you might find yourself in a transition period between training programs, or due to time restraints, might need a quick program to get in all […]

Posted on: September 5th, 2013 by Anthony

I often get asked… “What supplements should I take?” and “How should I use supplements?” The first piece of advice I give these individuals is to follow the rule of 2 percent. This rule states that if you use supplements, (for this article I am referring to “legal” ones,) optimally they will most likely only […]

Posted on: September 5th, 2013 by Anthony

I often get asked for training advice from young men in their early 20s or late teens. Although there is much more I am looking to achieve in terms of my fitness goals, I am at a level where I feel I have a lot of experience and knowledge that I can offer to others. […]


"Before I began working with Anthony I weighed 265 pounds. I couldn't do any basic exercises, and was unable to even bench the bar. Within the first 7 months I lost 40 pounds, and since then another 20 more. In addition to that I've quadrupled my strength! I can do pull-ips and push-ups with ease and am lifting more weight than i ever imagined. I'm stronger and leaner than ever before and have a lot more confidence in myself. Anthony's infinite knowledge..."