Archive for August, 2013

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Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

When entering a fat loss phase during your training, you must follow certain rules and steps in order to give yourself the best chance at success. Too many people focus on very specific ideas when trying to cut fat, yet they do not have the basics down. I have set up a list of steps […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

There are many misconceptions floating around out there, most of which are heard in discussions around the gym or workplace. Over the years, I have worked extremely hard to provide the right information to others. Many people are willing to put in the effort in order to achieve their goals. Unfortunately if they are misled, […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

In prior posts I have discussed proper squat form with progressions in great detail. Now is time to do the same for the pushup. Pushups are another exercise that should be a part of everyone’s training in one way or another. If you are not able to do a full pushup, then it is important […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

Most people have the ability to walk or run in some fashion at least. The idea is to become biomechanically sound in order to increase your current level (such as advancing from walking to running,) and lower the risk of injury in the long run. You want mechanics that will allow for optimal intermuscular coordination […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

Are Squats right for you? If you can sit down and stand up, you can squat. Since you do this multiple times per day, it would be in everyone’s best interest to develop a proper motor plan for this movement. If you are not healthy or strong enough to stand up, then you must be […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

Healthy eating and weight loss go hand-in-hand for the most part. A diet filled with natural whole foods is usually the best choice for people trying to lose weight, get healthier, or increase their performance in a sport. However there are some exceptions to this rule. I have observed over the years that one of […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

If your goal is to lose weight and you are working on cycling your carbohydrate intake, here are some great tips to avoid carbs and still satisfy your sweet tooth… 1 – Eat natural peanut butter 2 – Drink diet beverages 3 – Eat 95% dark chocolate 4 – Eat low-carb protein bars 5 – […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

Add this session into your routine and you will build some impressive arms in no time! 1) Complete 100 Dips and Chins as quickly as possible (these can be modified or assisted) – The idea is to do these as quickly as possible, form does not need to be perfect. However, you can vary the […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

The “shoulder” as we think of it is actually comprised of a number of joints and muscles other than just the gleno-humeral joint and the deltoids. I am not going to get into a super technical analysis of all the components of the shoulder; however I am going to discuss one key principle. Although there […]

Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

To the untrained eye, the valuable technique of utilizing stretch-reflex to train the CNS, overload muscle groups, and improve intra/intermuscular coordination may just look like cheating through “bouncing.” Utilizing stretch-reflex in lifting basically refers to optimizing the transition between the eccentric (lowering or descent of weight,) and the concentric (up or completion of lift.) One […]

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"Anthony Campo is the best trainer I have ever worked with, and I've worked with 4 others.

Anthony has an excellent mix of toughness, understanding, and professionalism along with being outstandingly personable. His level of knowledge is exceptional, as well as his ability to adapt that knowledge to each individual. Anthony also has a great sense of humor, which is invaluable in a situation where you are..."