Posted on: August 25th, 2013 by Anthony

To the untrained eye, the valuable technique of utilizing stretch-reflex to train the CNS, overload muscle groups, and improve intra/intermuscular coordination may just look like cheating through “bouncing.” Utilizing stretch-reflex in lifting basically refers to optimizing the transition between the eccentric (lowering or descent of weight,) and the concentric (up or completion of lift.) One key aspect of athleticism is the ability to be able to efficiently transition between these movements.

Using stretch-reflex as an aspect in your training can help teach and improve optimal coordination. This can improve many areas in the athletic realm such as cutting, jumping, starting and stopping. In terms of stretch-reflex strength training, it can be a valuable tool to help improve rate of force production in dynamic training. Also, one of the most important concepts (if not the most important) of causing positive body adaption (getting stronger or building muscle) is overload. One must overload the system in order to get the body to create a positive neuromuscular adaption.

Utilizing stretch-reflex gives you another tool to overload the system and produce strength and muscle gains. It is important to remember that like most things in fitness, stretch-reflex is just a tool, and no training program should entail just one tool. However, when used properly and added to a program correctly, utilizing stretch-reflex can help you achieve personal records and goals in fitness.

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"I have been training with Anthony Campo since July of 2009. I have been in both private and small group training sessions under Anthony. The routines change regularly as to address specific needs and goals. Anthony has a real talent for listening to his clients, giving encouragement and pushing us to achieve new levels of results. He has given us recipes, health and dietary tips that enhance and promote progress he is helping me to achieve. I could..."