In prior posts I have discussed proper squat form with progressions in great detail. Now is time to do the same for the pushup. Pushups are another exercise that should be a part of everyone’s training in one way or another. If you are not able to do a full pushup, then it is important […]
Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

Most people have the ability to walk or run in some fashion at least. The idea is to become biomechanically sound in order to increase your current level (such as advancing from walking to running,) and lower the risk of injury in the long run. You want mechanics that will allow for optimal intermuscular coordination […]

Are Squats right for you? If you can sit down and stand up, you can squat. Since you do this multiple times per day, it would be in everyone’s best interest to develop a proper motor plan for this movement. If you are not healthy or strong enough to stand up, then you must be […]

Add this session into your routine and you will build some impressive arms in no time! 1) Complete 100 Dips and Chins as quickly as possible (these can be modified or assisted) – The idea is to do these as quickly as possible, form does not need to be perfect. However, you can vary the […]

The “shoulder” as we think of it is actually comprised of a number of joints and muscles other than just the gleno-humeral joint and the deltoids. I am not going to get into a super technical analysis of all the components of the shoulder; however I am going to discuss one key principle. Although there […]

To the untrained eye, the valuable technique of utilizing stretch-reflex to train the CNS, overload muscle groups, and improve intra/intermuscular coordination may just look like cheating through “bouncing.” Utilizing stretch-reflex in lifting basically refers to optimizing the transition between the eccentric (lowering or descent of weight,) and the concentric (up or completion of lift.) One […]

Perform each circuit with as little rest in-between each exercise. If you can perform circuit # 1 in 20 minutes or less, then try circuit #1 followed by circuit #2. If you can complete both in 40 minutes or less then add # 3 at the end. Try to perform all 3 circuits in less […]

The culture and lifestyles most of us live in have us building chemical and physical imbalances in the body starting at a very young age. How many people do you know that CANNOT begin their day without some caffeine? This is a chemical imbalance the body has developed that can affect many aspects of the body […]

Send me any health/fitness/nutrition questions by visiting my contact page at and I will answer them right on my blog in a post the first of each month!

Posted on: May 29th, 2013 by Anthony 1 Comment
Through my many interactions with people over the years in both personal training and physical therapy, people of all ages find it necessary say how old they are, and how they can’t do things like they used to. The interesting thing is that you hear the “it’s tough getting old” comment from people anywhere from […]
"I first met Anthony while he was doing his internship at Physical Therapy for my back injury. He took me under his wing and worked hard for two months to strengthen my back. Anthony helped me realize that I would be prone to more injuries if I didn't concentrate on strengthening my core. Thus after Therapy I joined The Campo Team.
My initial goal was to lose weight and gain strength, 5 months..."