Setting goals and achieving them has to do a LOT to do with the mental battles you’ll have along the way. Let’s be honest, the majority of people do not have any goals pertaining to improving the way they look and feel. Therefore, when you begin to make life adjustments to better your health, you usually stick out. The status quo in today’s world is all about eating whatever you want, and sitting on your butt instead of going to the gym or knocking out some pushups on your living room floor. This discourages the majority of beginners who are trying to reach goals because they do not want to interrupt the status quo. They are embarrassed of standing out at a restaurant by making a special order of grilled chicken and broccoli instead of pizza and burgers like everyone else.
Does this sound like you? Try changing the way you look at this. To start, most people want to be unique in others areas of life, so why not in fitness and nutrition? Most people eat like crap, and have no drive to do what is necessary to become a healthier and stronger version of themselves. Why would you want to be like everyone else? Eating right and training properly is hard work, start embracing it! Anybody can order the cheapest, simplest thing on the menu, but it takes a special person to make the smart food choice. Anybody can have a hectic morning and skip their training session that day, but it takes an exceptional person to knock out some pushups and lunges at work when no one is looking to make sure they get some training in that day. It’s time to be special, be exceptional, and be damn proud because of it!