Posted on: November 7th, 2015 by Anthony

Most of my blogs give insight on how to make sustained progress for the long run. I am dedicating this blog to some quick things you can literally do right this second to improve your health. Try it and maybe you can see how easy it is to incorporate more healthy choices into your daily routine.

Right Now…

– Drop down and see how many push ups you can do
– Pick a tight muscle and spend 1 minute stretching it
– Pick an area of the body that hurts and massage it
– Drink a big glass of water

How do you feel now?

Think of how many other quick things you can incorporate into your day that will improve your health.

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"Anthony Campo is the best trainer I have ever worked with, and I've worked with 4 others.

Anthony has an excellent mix of toughness, understanding, and professionalism along with being outstandingly personable. His level of knowledge is exceptional, as well as his ability to adapt that knowledge to each individual. Anthony also has a great sense of humor, which is invaluable in a situation where you are..."