When it comes to improving your health and fitness, everything comes down to choices. Many people try to make excuses; blaming their poor choices on things like lack of time. While it is understandable that many individuals have time restrictions that might pose a challenge to their health and fitness goals, for the most part lack of time can be one of the easiest things to overcome. Lack of time DOES NOT equal poor food choices. When it comes right down to it, in a situation where you have to eat something quick, these are the best tips you can follow to make sure you stick to your eating plan.
1.) Planning is extremely important when it comes to food choices. When it is possible, plan out your meals the day before. Pick some standard foods like eggs, nuts, and packages of meat and vegetables. These should comprise the majority of your diet, and if you always have them in the house to prepare for the next day it will make things a lot easier. Hard-boil a bunch of eggs so you can always grab them for a quick meal. Cooking up all your meat in the beginning of the week and will also save you a lot of time!
2.) No matter where you are, a gas station is close by. If you have to grab something quick, nothing can be faster than running into a gas station to get some beef jerky, mixed nuts, or a protein shake.
3.) If you find yourself having to grab something quick from a fast food restaurant, you can still make good food choices. Almost every fast food restaurant has salads now, and you can pick a low sugar dressing to go with it. If the place doesn’t offer salads with any meat on them, simply order a sandwich to go with it. Ditch the bun and toss the meat in the salad. If they don’t have salads, or eating with a fork is not an option, simply order two sandwiches, ditch the buns and put the meat together with the toppings in the inside for a high protein and low-carb choice.