Posted on: November 8th, 2013 by Anthony

In Part I of this article we discussed the importance of the Central Nervous System (CNS) along with some methods that can be used to prime it before big lifts. Equally as important is training the CNS into positive adaption for the long term. Basic maximal effort programs such as the Westside Method do just this. Part of the adaptation that occurs from maximal effort training is with the Central Nervous System. The big powerlifts such as Deadlifts and Squats just happen to be some of the best exercises for CNS adaption. The reason these lifts are the best is that you can train these exercises with the proper intensity and loading needed to create long term CNS adaption.

For individuals who I believe have a primary weakness specifically in the loading of these main lifts, I like to incorporate supra-maximal lifts into their training. These lifts are usually performed in the beginning of the training session because it can also help prime the CNS. Also because we are usually using a variation of the max effort method, it traditionally does not create a whole lot of muscle fatigue, and rep effort or dynamic effort movements can still be performed after at a high level.

A basic rep scheme to use for the max effort method is to work up to anything from a 1 to a 3 rep max. After an approximated max is successfully lifted, perform 1-3 back-off sets of around 90% depending on how you are feeling.

Here are some supra-maximal variations of the main lifts that can be used to train the CNS for long term positive adaption.

Pin Squats, Presses, or Pin Pulls from varying heights

High Box Squats, Board Presses, and Box Pulls from varying heights

Reverse Band Squats, Pressing, and Deadlifts using different band strengths

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"Before I began working with Anthony I weighed 265 pounds. I couldn't do any basic exercises, and was unable to even bench the bar. Within the first 7 months I lost 40 pounds, and since then another 20 more. In addition to that I've quadrupled my strength! I can do pull-ips and push-ups with ease and am lifting more weight than i ever imagined. I'm stronger and leaner than ever before and have a lot more confidence in myself. Anthony's infinite knowledge..."