Here are some basic rep schemes you can use based on your training goals… Hypertrophy 10×3 at 85-90 % of 1rm 5×5 at 75-85 % of 1rm 10×10 at 60 % of 1rm Maximal Strength Work up to your 1 rep max, and then do 3-4×3 of 90-95% of that 1rm Pick a percentage to […]
Archive for the ‘Lifting’ Category
Add this session into your routine and you will build some impressive arms in no time! 1) Complete 100 Dips and Chins as quickly as possible (these can be modified or assisted) – The idea is to do these as quickly as possible, form does not need to be perfect. However, you can vary the […]
To the untrained eye, the valuable technique of utilizing stretch-reflex to train the CNS, overload muscle groups, and improve intra/intermuscular coordination may just look like cheating through “bouncing.” Utilizing stretch-reflex in lifting basically refers to optimizing the transition between the eccentric (lowering or descent of weight,) and the concentric (up or completion of lift.) One […]
You don’t have to test your one rep max every other month in order have an idea of what you can lift. In fact, I would not recommend maxing out on the same lifts more than a few times a year. The reason being is that anytime you are truly testing your max, there is […]
Most people are well aware of the muscle’s role in lifting a weight. Although the muscle produces the force needed to lift a weight, the brain helps to initiate the whole process. An area of the brain called the basal ganglia helps to prepare the body for the force that is needed. Without getting too […]
If your goal is to make progress in the gym, then follow this basic outline for putting together a program: Start with an all-inclusive warm-up consisting of soft tissue work, stretching, mobility work, and activation exercises. This will take different amounts of time depending on your limitations. Limitations can be anything from being sore and […]
A phenomenon I’ve often witnessed during my years of training is people finishing their lifts sluggishly. No matter what exercise you are doing, squats, lunges, deadlifts, pushups etc… there is a strength curve. What I mean by this is that through the range of motion there are times during the exercise where the movement might […]
You don’t have to be an expert in exercise science or body mechanics to take an objective look at yourself every month and identify some of your weaknesses. We all have muscle weakness, whether we notice it while performing a lift, or looking at ourselves in the mirror. No matter your level, working on your […]
"Before I began working with Anthony I weighed 265 pounds. I couldn't do any basic exercises, and was unable to even bench the bar. Within the first 7 months I lost 40 pounds, and since then another 20 more. In addition to that I've quadrupled my strength! I can do pull-ips and push-ups with ease and am lifting more weight than i ever imagined. I'm stronger and leaner than ever before and have a lot more confidence in myself. Anthony's infinite knowledge..."